The Emergence Network

The Emergence Network

The Emergence Network is not an organization in the traditional sense; it is a fugitive space, a murmuration, a question that lives in the cracks of our collapsing worlds. Co-convened by Bayo Akomolafe, it refuses the urgency to "fix" our crises and instead leans into the possibilities of being undone. The network gathers misfits, visionaries, and storytellers to explore what becomes possible when we slow down, get lost, and make sanctuary with the unfamiliar. It is less a place for answers and more a threshold for asking deeper questions—what if the world’s troubles are not problems to solve but portals to new ways of being? Through collaborations, workshops, and wanderings, The Emergence Network invites us to notice, to unlearn, and to listen to the whispers of worlds waiting to be born.


Chennai, India


Bayo Akomolafe

Photo credits

Bayo Akomolafe

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